Friday, January 1, 2010

What Now...

Well I'm 11 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I have had morning sickness which seems to last all day for about 5 weeks now. It seems to just keep getting worse. My partner (N) is extremely happy about our bun in the oven and goes out of his way to make sure I have everything I need and eating as much as possible. Everything feels up in the air, we havn't been given direction or help, apparently we choose a hospital and everything falls into place? We finally found out last week how far along the baby is, everything seems "normal", bubs heart beats 153 times per minute. Sometime this week we will be going to get a blood test for down-syndrome which they compare the results to our 12 week ultrasound. Last week was actually very productive after N found out from a friend we should have had an ultrasound already. After a few calls and heated discussions we had a doctors appointment at 2.20 (at Lilydale Med Centre) and an ultrasound at 3.15 (at Mitcham Private). Apparently you need a referral for an ultrasound however the doctor does need to see you - the two appointments before to find out this information were not sufficient. We saw the doctor, grabbed our referral and ran arriving at Mitcham hospital in record time with minuets to spare. The gel was actually warm as she pressed down firmly we finally got our first glimpse of our bub. As bubs was quite small (32.0mm) the nurse decided to perform an internal ultrasound to make sure of the length to determine an approx date of arrival. I was not ready for an internal, I had been feeling sick for about 4 weeks at that stage and only just managed to shower let alone anything else however it was fine. Our bubs is due July 22nd amongst my immediate family's birthdays. I ovulated from the left ovary for what ever that means in terms of development, after about 45 minuets it was all over and we had two pictures to take home with us. We at least found out we had to have another ultrasound at 12 weeks to check organs and the likelihood of down-syndrome. At the moment its just dealing with the 'morning' sickness we need to worry about.